Wednesday, July 3, 2013

House Republican leaders slam ObamaCare business mandate delay

House Republican leadership roundly criticized the Obama administration's decision to delay a key component of ObamaCare for business, calling it a slight to everyone who will be required to follow the individual mandate. 
In a joint statement Wednesday, Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and their deputies suggested that if employers deserve relief from a requirement to offer health insurance, individuals should not be made to carry coverage. 
"The president owes the American people an answer: why does he think businesses deserve a one year delay from the mandates in ObamaCare, but middle class families and hardworking Americans don't?" the leaders said. 
Pres. has paid his bill to the people the republicans have done more than needed to block it, call it an abomination, and misinform you from 2008 before it was even written, or he took office. 
then complained it was to long and never read it but they could tell you how bad it is and you will to once you find out what's in it, how the hell do they know the SOB's never read it another lie.  remember grandma under the bus, death squads, take a stroll through your mind, see it you bought that and if you still do.
G W Bush,"m you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on", that's what the right wing thinks of you. recognize.
The group also renewed their calls for ObamaCare's full repeal while slamming the administration for granting "waivers, delays and special carve outs ... to special interests and those with Washington lobbyists." 
Republicans have relished news that ObamaCare's employer mandate won't be enforced until 2015, after the midterm elections. 
they shout and holler about the part they misinformed on the most penalty for non compliance using the term small businesses, problem was once again their math their interpretation of small business is corporations employing thousands because that is who they are fighting for.
50 employees is a pretty good size business if they are below that they are not involved those over allowing them time to get it together before the penalties kick in is compassion, claiming it's an admission by Pres. it doesn't work is just another right wing contrivance concentrating on those who are gullible enough to believe them.