my fellow Americans, this is Texas.
FALFURRIAS, Texas – Just before sundown, a group of men cloaked in camouflage from the Texas Border Volunteers halts their all terrain vehicle, along a winding sandy road. As they make their way around the heavy brush, they circle around a pile of women's undergarments, which lay at the foot of a tree.
In sections of land near the U.S.-Mexico border, this is known as a "rape tree." And for the residents of Brooks County, Texas, rape trees are popping up at an alarming frequency.
"I've had three rape cases in the last month," says Benny Martinez, the chief deputy at the Brooks County Sheriff's Department. "These guys are animals. There is an intimidation factor there. If they don't give into the brush guide, [the women] get beat up."
this coupled with the right wing support yes i said "right wing support" of rape and all the insidious things theysay and bills they pass that shows no respect or reverence for women, maybe they are right there is to war against women , there is a gendercide at work by those of the right wing.
The group who found the "rape tree" are part of the Texas Border Volunteers, a troop of a few dozen private citizens who spend their own time – six or seven hours at a clip – weaving through the low-hanging honey mesquite trees and heavy Texas brush looking to stop immigrants from crossing into this land – and their country – illegally.Symbols like the rape tree serve as a reminder to volunteers or anyone passing through of the escalating brutality "coyotes" are using to control immigrants they lead through this land. The tree is a trafficker's way of asserting power. But it also serves as a landmark for the border volunteers, allowing them to keep record of immigrant migration patterns through the brush.
this seems to be a thing for Texans like a place to go to enjoy your racist hedonism, remember Rick Perry?
When the Texas Border Volunteers head into the muggy summer night, each member gathers night vision goggles, flashlights, guns and folding chairs.They run their shift as if they had been given marching orders from a commanding officer. They run their operation like a military mission, with code names like "gumball" and "pole cat" buzzing across their walkie-talkies.
this i think is tantamount to shooting fish in a barrell, i believe they would perfer to shoot then urn them around. the good 'ol boyz have another like favorite passtime that involes shooting while standing there wainting for it to come to them, only exercise is trigger finger.