Republicans on Wednesday questioned whether the administration has the legal authority to delay the employer mandate under ObamaCare.Two top GOP lawmakers expressed doubts that federal officials have the authority to defer major parts of ObamaCare without approval from Congress.Rep. Phil Roe (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Education and Workforce Health subcommittee, said he would launch his own investigation into the matter.
"This action raises a lot of questions about whether the Obama administration can simply ignore the law when it’s convenient for them," Roe said in a statement Wednesday.
"I have asked Congress’s research arm to investigate because I don’t think any president has the authority to pick and choose what parts of law to follow," he added.
short memory G W Bush did he picked and chose and rewrote whatever he needed to do whatever he wanted, and called it law, we call it war crimes. where was his outrage then?
asking congress to do anything gets you nothing they won't compromise they will spend millions on a witch hunt and comeback with no goods or change for those millions.
The Obama administration announced Tuesday night that it would put off enforcing the employer mandate until 2015 rather than next year.The rule requires that businesses with more than 50 employees provide health insurance or pay fines. It had been criticized by the business community as onerous and hastily implemented.Groups representing employers cheered the development on Tuesday, and Republican lawmakers welcomed the news as evidence that the healthcare law is unworkable.
i think it quite considerate and should be viewed as so, obstruction by republicans continues no vote on jobs act, or any othwer act that would move the economy aka "you"