determining the fate of contraception with an all white guy panel wasn't enough.
Here we go again. An all-male House Judiciary committee just advanced a bill that bans abortion nationwide after a woman’s 20th week. The six Republicans on the panel were led by Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ). I’m trying to figure out which I’m more incensed about; another abortion ban proposition, or the fact it was pushed through by an all-male Republican-weighted panel. I’ll go with Door #3, Monty – both.
Thankfully, positive can be found in most every situation. This action will abruptly wake up the women who might be taking power naps in between the plethora of legislative assaults against their reproductive rights. And let me tell you – we don’t like to be awakened this way, no. We get ruffled. We get fierce.And here’s more good news. The bill will most likely be shot down quickly, given it’s unconstitutional and violates the federal laws passed in 1973 when women won the right to legal abortion via Roe v. Wade. This new legislation does not allow for rape, fetal anomalies or incest. But to many Republicans, the U.S. Constitution doesn’t count on this one.
that's an understatement the constitution in entirety means nothing to the republicans, look back pass 4 years and all the disengaged America's due to right wing disrespect and dismissal of the constitution.
after the fact action really though important the bill should never have been uttered out loud, it is just more action against women in the war they and we are fighting against now, by the right wing.
Rep. Franks says he thinks the bill has a good chance of passing, given the Gosnell murder case. Well, can’t say we didn’t see that one coming. What Franks fails to understand is that we are not talking about murder – we’re talking about a woman’s right to choose what happens to her body, and the Gosnell case actually reiterated the crucial need for safe, legal and affordable abortions.Trent Franks dug a little deeper when he said: Late-term abortions “have been happening hundreds of times every single day for decades in America,” he said. “Those who incomprehensibly call trying to change this a ‘war on women’ overlook the fact that roughly half of these babies that are so torturously killed each day are just little tiny women.“Little tiny women? Are you…wait, hold on…. Okay, I’m back. Had to count to 10 several times – is he serious? I’m afraid so. And yet I’m grateful to have this platform to get out stories like this, so we can remember these misogynists in 2014.
what happens each and everyday is the obstruction of Americans by republican to exercise their right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". if they really believe that "little tiny women" crack then they are more in trouble if we leave it to the right wing, they'll grow up relinquish that little tiny women right and become next generation of women at war with the republican party.