Fox News host Bill O’Reilly on Tuesday night got into a tussle with two spokeswomen for a college GOP report that outlines why Republicans lost the youth vote in November, asking why the party should “care about a bunch of kids who don’t know anything.”
“That sounds pretty immature, Ms. Smith,” O’Reilly told Alex Smith, the chair of the College Republican National Committee (CRNC), after asking why young people forgave President Barack Obama for the tough economy.“It doesn’t sound like a very objective analytical opinion, for want of a better word. So why should I care about this study, or why should the Republican Party care about a bunch of kids who don’t know anything, and they like the guy just because he’s flashy?…What message does that send to the GOP?”
oop's, wow in one fell swoop BILLY BOY manage to insult not just the future republican female party members but all students IMO.
asking why the party should “care about a bunch of kids who don’t know anything.”
reaching out for those they don't have and kicking to the curb those the do or did.
“Well, to be quite frank, Bill, if the Republican Party really ignores younger voters, or continues to do so, we risk losing every national election in the future,” Smith retorted.“O’Reilly Factor” came a day after the CRNC released a highly critical assessment — first reported by POLITICO — of how the GOP stumbled with young voters, and outlined steps for improvement.O’Reilly’s biting comment came after Kristen Soltis Anderson, the principal author of the 95-page report, said their research found that young people believed Obama was “trying” to improve the economy.“I don’t know how you [win young voters] when economic issues on the Democratic side are dismal and younger voters don’t accept that as long as somebody is ‘trying,’” O’Reilly said.“You know what it comes down to, ladies?” O’Reilly concluded, interrupting Soltis Anderson, who was outlining why the GOP needs to better explain its problem-solving abilities in order to be competitive. “A charismatic candidate who can reach younger people and use words they understand. It comes down to personality. That’s what it comes down to.”
the second in command chief BS bloviater just insulted everyone in ear shot of his smug down his nose snarky put down of young women that were already on that side and males too with this jewel,
asking why the party should “care about a bunch of kids who don’t know anything.”