Friday, May 17, 2013

White House Turns GOP's Twitter Campaign Into A Joke

Article PhotoHouse Republicans voted again on Thursday for the 37th time to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act. Yes, the party that cares so much about jobs has spent 15 percent of the House time on Obamacare  and all for naught. Clearly the GOP has not learned the their showboating is a waste of taxpayers time. What makes this story absolutely hilarious is the Twitter campaign they started to gather support and the White House’s response to it.
It began with tweets by Republicans asking opponents of the bill to describe what it means in three words:
OH LOOK! Boehner mentioned JOBS! Of course mentioning isn’t the same as creating but what the hell?!
other than the lies the republicans have tried now for years to muddy your vision of what has been succesfully blocked by them for decades in favor of the insurance companies ability to rip you and deny you health care not to mention the 30 million new customers, but even that is not enough to get a smile out of them the ripping of us evidently created more capitol than 30 million more at a lower premium, greed despicable them.

Then the White House returned fire:
That, my friends, is how the troll become the trolled…White House style!! What’s even better is that the White House countered with actual facts! AND links to back up their facts! Imagine that?
So while the GOP sits on Capital Hill and tries to gather support for their repeal, a repeal that will surely die in the Senate for the 37th time, the White House will continue to promote this law that helps the American public.
Maybe Republican House members should spend less time wasting money and less energy wasting time on unsuccessful Twitter campaigns and MORE time actually creating bills that will help us. How about the GOP spend some of the energy they have on creating a jobs bill. No? Of course not because that would be a good thing. They would rather waste millions of dollars putting on a show for their base.
only agenda is to undo all that has been done i recent years without their help, and all tocome ifyou really want it 2014!!