Republicans blasting Obama over the AP snooping scandal seem to have selective-memory disorder. They’ve been trying to nail journalists and leakers for years, writes Kirsten Powers.
So, why the sudden interest? Whatever could make the GOP jump on a media bandwagon and express outrage over government overreach in the investigation of leaks?
You do the math.
A sense of shame does not seem to be a factor here. In what has become as predictable as the sunrise, Holder was up on the Hill this week, being lectured by Republican members of Congress who have wanted him fired since the day he was sworn in. GOP Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin grilled Holder over the AP debacle, saying he wanted to "pin down" who authorized the subpoenas that yielded the AP records. When Holder explained he was recused from discussing the matter for legal reasons, Sensenbrenner nonsensically suggested that Holder go to the Truman Museum and "take a picture of the thing on his desk that said 'the buck stops here.'"
Sadly, no recent occupant of the White House has been more aggressive in persecuting whistleblowers than President Transparency. Nonetheless, prior to their newfound concern for a free press, the GOP was just last year attacking President Obama for an imagined lack of zeal in pursuing leaks. John McCain even wanted a special counsel outside the Justice Department appointed to investigate national-security leaks about Obama’s “kill list,” a story about which ended up in The New York Times. The “kill list” strangely wasn’t the problem for the GOP. The leaks were.
the world knows by now that republicans have relentlessly pursuit an agenda of sink the Pres. and the gov't, i still feel that to be treason.
they jump over the report and go straight to blaming the Pres. numerous times and they all seem to put the blueberry pie on their faces with their unsuccessful inqusitions of this Admin,
when are you going to call them on the money spent for them to sit on their collective butts and fire baseless zingers at the only politicians that are working for "we the people".
At a 2012 hearing in which the GOP tried to ascertain whether it could prosecute reporters, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) suggested that the U.S. attorneys subpoena journalists and demand they reveal sources that provided classified information. Gowdy said: "Put [reporters] in front of the grand jury. You either answer the question or you're going to be held in contempt and go to jail, which is what I thought all reporters aspire to do anyway. I thought that was the crown jewel of the reporter's résumé to actually go to jail protecting a source." When your baseline belief is that reporters like to go to jail, let’s just dispense with the fiction that you care about a free media.
When The Washington Post’s Dana Priest revealed in 2005 that the Bush administration had secret prisons, conservatives went nuts. Then-speaker J. Dennis Hastert and then–Senate majority leader Bill Frist sent the chairmen of the intelligence committees a request to launch a joint investigation to find the whistleblowers. It was the leaks, not the existence of secret prisons and “black sites,” that so offended their delicate sensibilities.
and now for the typical now trademark of right wing politics,
"i know you are but what am I", this can go on like Abbott and Costello's "who's on first". they do the dirt and then kick the dirt on Pres's. shoes, they are gung ho for it until Pres.'s Admin does it now they are again wasting taxpayer money being paid to call the kettle black. they are really not a do nothing congress they area do nothing for "we the people" or country congress.
c'mon you got to be feelig that hmmmmmmmmmm!!!