over eager and years of failure then the preception of all our dreams coming true they will screw it up don't worry, they have been for those same years they were losing.
over eager and years of failure then the preception of all our dreams coming true they will screw it up don't worry, they have been for those same years they were losing.
Republicans are worried one thing could screw up the political gift of three Obama administration controversies at once: fellow Republicans.Top GOP leaders are privately warning members to put a sock in it when it comes to silly calls for impeachment or over-the-top comparisons to Watergate. They want members to focus on months of fact-finding investigations – not rhetorical fury.
what do they fear a gaffe we're immune to those or lone righty trying to make their bones and go out and bloviate in the wrong direction like so many before.
a party that has exhibited extraordinary lockstep precision, are now falling apart and they want to speak for themselves, good idea that lockstep thing was hard to get around when they all moved their mouths unilaterally any tie you could see a republican they are saying what you heard the last 50 say.
Why the fuss? Well…
—“People may be starting to use the I-word before too long,” Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) told a radio host, making plain impeachment was indeed the I-word in mind.—“You could call #Benghazi Obama’s Watergate, except no one died,” Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) wrote on Twitter.—“It harkens back to the days of Richard Nixon and maintaining a political enemies list and treating the federal government as a tool to exact the administration’s retribution,” Sen. Ted Cruz told the National Review.—“This is far worse than Watergate,” Rep. Michele Bachmann said of the IRS mess at a tea party rally.—“I believe that before it’s all over, this president will not fill out his full term,” former governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said on his own show before the IRS and AP flaps.
wow all this and they have yet to spend one dollar of tax money that proves any of their contentions, who's the fool here them or us if we let this travesty extend pass 2014.