Republicans in the Ohio Legislature are pushing a plan that could cost the state’s public universities millions of dollars if they provide students with documents to help them register to vote.Backers of the bill describe it as intended to resolve discrepancies between residency requirements for tuition and voter registration, while Democrats and other opponents argue it is a blatant attempt at voter suppression in a crucial swing state.“What the bill would do is penalize public universities for providing their students with the documents they need to vote,” Daniel Tokaji, a professor and election law expert at Ohio State University told TPM. “It’s a transparent effort at vote suppression — about the most blatant and shameful we’ve seen in this state, which is saying quite a lot.”The legislation is a provision in the state budget that was backed by the Republican majority in the Ohio House of Representatives. It is now headed to the Ohio Senate, which also has a GOP majority.
while they run around like screech owls lying and pointing tainted fingers they have never stopped the disenfranchising of Americans voting rights, what are they thinking, in for a penny in for a pound?
taking anothers rights is unconstitutional and i'm sure illegal, so why do they pursue this blatant out there in " we the people's" faces agenda with only one directive smother our vote so their guy gets in, damn the constitution full steam ahead
you can use the $10. dollar wording but it's still voter blocking.
Currently, Ohio requires voters to be “a resident of Ohio for at least 30 days
immediately before the election in which you want to vote” and to provide photo identification, a current utility bill, a bank statement, current paycheck, current government check, or “an original or copy of a current other government document, other than a voter registration acknowledgement notification mailed by the board of elections, that shows the voter’s name and current address.".Students who live in dormitories and do not have state identification or a job or bank account in Ohio might not be able to meet this requirement even if they have lived in the state for over a month. Public universities provide letters or utility bills to students to help them meet the residency requirement for voter registration. If the legislation is passed, it would force schools that provide this documentation to charge out-of-state students the same tuition they charge students from Ohio.
what about the right wing voters do they get de-Americanized by this obvious attempt to affect progressive voters, wouldn't it be cool if those the strip of the right to vote ends up leaving more progressives and summarily cutting their own voters, poetic or what?