Back in February, Addicting Info published a story about several states that are introducing legislation to require insurance on privately owned firearms. Now Washington, D.C. is making a move to do the same.City councilwoman Mary Cheh has proposed a bill that would require gun owners in the District of Columbia to carry at least $250,000 of insurance before being licensed to own firearms. The proposed policy would cover ‘willful and negligent’ acts not including self-defense. Cheh feels that requiring gun insurance would provide financial compensation for those who are affected by “negligent acts.”Some gun owners already choose to carry gun insurance. The National Rifle Association even endorses liability insurance, acknowledging that homeowner’s insurance often falls short on protection. Homeowner’s insurance sometimes covers accidental shootings, but doesn’t often cover self-defense. Despite the NRA itself recognizing this shortcoming, some are still critical of the proposed D.C. legislation, saying that accidents are already covered.
Many gun owners are up in arms (pardon the pun) over the idea of having to get gun insurance, saying that the proposed measure would make it cost-prohibitive to own a gun, therefore infringing on Second Amendment rights. InfoWars is already launching its assault on the proposal, saying that it “forces” gun owners into insuring themselves, and that any lapse in coverage would strip the individual of their rights under the Constitution. The National Rifle Association contradicted its own words by telling the Washington TImes, “…D.C. leaders are focused more on pushing their political and social agendas than on working to keep their residents safe.” Protecting the residents of the District of Columbia, of course, couldn’t possibly be what they are trying to do through this legislation. (Sarcasm sign.)
i live in DC, believe me i feel safer under law regulation then i ever woud under NRA/right wing deregulation resulting in everybody strapped and everybody's a target, whats next hitchng post and buckboards and the vilage Black smith to shoe your horse, how far back is "taking our country back"?
What it comes down to is this: If you cannot afford to protect yourself by purchasing liability gun insurance, you cannot afford to own a gun. End of story. Just as, if you cannot afford to insure a vehicle, you cannot afford to have a vehicle. If you cannot afford to insure a home, you cannot afford to own a home, etc., etc.
even though creation of a registry is illegal wonder why they missed the opportunity to cry registry, if you have insurance it fall under that law of freedom of information act, therefore no need to register your butt is already out there and free to public view. it's about being responsible not a nu age gunslinger.