Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has told top advisers that he is prepared to take action if Senate Republicans block three upcoming nominations, the Washington Post reported on Friday.Reid is reportedly focusing on the month of July to approach filibuster reform and possibly execute the "nuclear option," which would change the Senate rules and no longer require 60 votes to overcome a filibuster.
“This would take away the right to filibuster on nominations,” a senior Senate Democratic aide told the Washington Post. “All executive branch and judicial nominations would be subject to majority votes. He would not do it on legislative items.”
there would have to be a way to do it beause of frivolous objection by the right to anything Obama. both sides potential would need it but it has to be worded o one group abuses it like the republicans are now.
believe me if the Pgressives had the house therpublicans would be in and saying the same thing we are now.
Reid has consistently said publicly that he reserves the right to change Senate rules if he considers the GOP to be abusing the ones left in place by the bipartisan agreement in January.Reid warned in April that he would enact the "nuclear option" if President Barack Obama's judicial nominations are kept from moving forward.“All within the sound of my voice, including my Democratic senators and the Republican senators who I serve with, should understand that we as a body have the power on any given day to change the rules with a simple majority, and I will do that if necessary," Reid said.
we have seen the majority of potential legislation by the Pres., jobs act especially are not allowed introduction on the floor because of fiibuster and accounts for overwhelming majority of you who are still jobless and what other rights you had being taken or trying to be took by right wing obstructionist.