Former South Carolina governor Mark Sanford, maybe the dumbest political adulterer in memory, never took that hike on the Appalachian Trail, but it turns out he did sneak into his ex-wife’s house in defiance of a court order.Presumably he thought he wouldn’t get caught—again—as he campaigned in a special election for Congress against Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch. He was caught—and was almost instantly abandoned by his own party’s national congressional campaign committee and the right-wing Club For Growth. Even Busch’s brother, the master of political satire Stephen Colbert, couldn’t have made this up.
With Sanford trying to dig his way out of a nine-point hole in the latest poll in the deeply red district he represented until 2002, he suddenly decided to debate a cardboard cutout of Nancy Pelosi. It was the pathetic stunt of the desperate candidate who soon will have plenty of free time to spend down in Argentina. It was also a rote Republican reflex that reflects the latest Gallup ratings showing Pelosi as the “least liked Hill leader”—with a 48 percent unfavorable and a 31 percent favorable.
this guy IMO has displayed the worse examples of common sense since the right wing twins Palin/ Bachmann, he announces again then the reason he's in the jackpot he's in is presented on stage along side him, are evangelicals twisting out of proportion yet?
In a Fox News survey, and that network knows its Republicans, they dislike her as thoroughly as they detest Obama. And she can wear that as a badge of honor: Pelosi, arguably the most effective House speaker of our time or all time, played a critical, often decisive role in passing the most sweeping range of progressive change since the New Deal and the Great Society.
they don't know when they got it good and run off seeking greener pasrures what they don't realize is if you think the grass is greener elsewhere, you're peeing on your grass, Steele they did good won elections but not good enough so enter stage right Preibus with whom they have lost all major elections approval down in lower double digits but they wanted him over the Black guy that was guiding them to the wins.
i blieve they call that shooting ones self in ones foot.