Sunday, April 28, 2013

Reagan's Budget Director Says Republican Party Is A Coalition Of Gangs That Stands For Nothing

President Ronald Reagan’s former budget director David Stockman excoriated the Republican Party in an interview he  gave to Newsmax TV. While he attacked President Obama for not cutting defense in an era where America is the only superpower  in no uncertain terms he laid blame for the predicament of America squarely on the Republican Party.
After Newsmax Anchor David Nelson asserted that many believe the house is divided (the Republican Party that is), he asked David Stockman if he believed Republican leaders like Ryan, Boehner, Rubio, Paul, or anyone else could unite the party. Stockman shot back with a response would expect in a Newsmax interview.
David Stockman’s response:
No. I don’t because I think the Republican Party is not really a party. It doesn’t stand for anything except reelecting itself. It’s a coalition of gangs….
 The Neo Cons which I have no use for are only oriented to an aggressive imperialistic foreign policy, a big defense establishment, and suppression of our civil liberties. That’s a bad. I am against that.
The Tax Cons want to just cut taxes anytime any day regardless of the fiscal situation. That has gone to absurd lengths. I oppose that.
The Social Cons, social policy people, the right to life issue, gay marriage and all that, that’s irrelevant to governing a democracy in a free society.
That is basically the heart of the Republican Party. In that mix how can you find anything that is going to stand for conservative economics, fiscal rectitude, free markets, sound money; it’s not there. The Republican Party is basically irrelevant to the economic crisis that faces the country.
the saying paraphrased, "the best way to bring an org. down is from the inside out", if true then they really must be tyring to kill the existing party then Phoenix into a party more aligned with their " old values" you know your parents republicans the lesser of both evils.  the one without te T-Per's