Fox News once again shows its hypocrisy in praising Senate Republicans for refusing to vote on Chuck Hagel’s confirmation. This is the first time in history a nominee for Secretary of Defense has been blocked by the Senate.
According to Media Matters, the only time Democrats have come close to doing this is when some expressed concern over Condoleezza Rice’s nomination in 2005, and they only held the vote up for a day. At the time however, Fox News called the move petty and full of sour grapes, and averred, “The president is entitled to his Cabinet.” This time, however, it doesn’t appear to matter as they themselves called on their viewers to contact their senators and request that they filibuster the vote.
Sean Hannity even called this “a victory for Republicans.” GOP obstructionism is nothing new over the last four years, and has gotten significantly worse since 2010, when many Tea Partiers were elected to Congress. Fox News calling such obstruction of a Cabinet nominee a victory for the party is a testament to their propaganda machine, despite their tagline saying they are “fair and balanced” news.
culmination of almost 40 years when Roger Ailes and Nixon decided to bring the media in and have it serve as your political barometer. as GW Bush said, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on", well it works and they are still at it. preventing our gov.'t from operating with all the players according to Hannity is a victory for republicans, but he left out the ones that are not having that victory "we the people".
party first above God and anything under that, guess that means that nothing in this world is more important then the republican agenda. 2014