you learn not to reach in the direction of your hand being slapped down over 4 years. that is the true definition of insanity thinking on the 35th time they'll bite, that's republican idiotology remember the ObamaCares attempts to kill 35 36 times and still counting.
this is the epitome of right wing arrogance, what other then their "we're White and entitled", do they think that they are more relevant than the Pres. that they are holding up your advancement by refusing to respect te man and the position?
he has stuck his head out many times in the last 4 years only to be denigrated and totally disrespected.
when called on it they come back with "both sides do it{", except they weren't Black and racially challenged Bush they claim he was called "names" too all of which were true. latest hold up Hagel, why "he was mean to Bush" it that was mean what do they call what Bush did to America?
President Barack Obama will need Republican senators to pass his ambitious agenda — and the White House has even identified the top prospects.
But after months of buildup and a week since his State of the Union address, key aides on the Hill and at the White House acknowledge that even GOP senators who fit Obama’s vision of bipartisanship — Sens. Mark Kirk of Illinois, Rob Portman of Ohio, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma — are all waiting to hear anything from the president.
what is stopping them from requesting an audience if they were serious about working together, he is their Boss they need to seek him out and offer their plan not the other way around.
does your employer come to your house to talk to you about doing the things needed to actually do your job?
Obama has to have legislative partners involved from the outset to give other Senate Republicans, and eventually their colleagues in the House, cover on passing immigration reform, gun control legislation and fiscal reforms to avoid the sequester. The same goes for getting the new universal preschool programs he promised last week, or even his longer-shot bid to get Congress to take action on climate change proposals.
this article seems to think it's all the Pres., if that were so why was everything he tried to do for "we the people" and our country was blocked by their obstruction so how do they try to put the whole thing on his shoulders when it requires them to correct it. who's really not serious?