but his policies sound more like 1999.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is laying the groundwork for a likely presidential run — and using his state as a testing ground for policies that play well with national conservatives.He’s passed a sweeping school voucher plan, rejected the Medicaid expansion in Obamacare and proposed scrapping the state income tax.But political observers who’ve watched Jindal up close for years say it’s become increasingly fuzzy where his governing ends and his presidential ambitions begin — whether the 41-year-old policy wonk’s plans are aimed at Louisiana’s problems or future GOP voters in Iowa and New Hampshire.
my first thought where you gonna get revenue? the people have already favored the Pres,.'s plan so to deny it is like every other thing stated same old republican BS nothing new but his complexion.
Jindal’s bold policy proposals in Louisiana come at the same time he’s raising his profile nationally, both through his new post as head of the Republican Governors Association and his frequent commentary on the future of the Republican party. He turned heads last month when he warned the GOP needs to “stop being the stupid party.”
i see this as the republican attempt to show racial diversity, it makes no difference who they put out there they will still be beholden to the right wing agenda and that is to keep their "values??
“He stayed away from anything controversial or confrontational” in his first term, said independent Louisiana-based journalist John Maginnis, who called Jindal “risk-averse” during those years. “Really in this last year, the first year of his second term, is the best window he has to really get some things changed.”His education reform plans last year, which drastically expanded the state’s voucher system and reformed the teacher tenure process, established Jindal as a national leader on the issue. This year, Jindal made news with his rejection of the Medicaid expansion in the national health care law.
if you're gonna praise, make sure it's the Lord or Jesus. is he worth your adulation when he denies you healthcare?
this Hindu Howdy Doody is just another one they are trying to putout as another right wing saviour, wow lot's of republican saviuors and little to no saving, they are still plummeting in favorablility, and humanity.