- If you think Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud, you might be a right-wing crackpot.
- If you think Obama’s social-security number is a fraud, you might be a right-wing crackpot.
- If you think Obama’s Selective Service registration document is a fraud, you might be a right-wing crackpot.
- If you think Obama was born in Kenya, you might be a right-wing crackpot.
- If you think Obama is a secret Muslim, you might be a right-wing crackpot.
- If you think Obama is in the pocket of the Muslim Brotherhood, you might be a right-wing crackpot.
- If you think Obama sealed all his records, you might be a right-wing crackpot.
- If you think Obama registered as a foreign student at Occidental College, you might be a right-wing crackpot.
just a few of the extreme right wing misinformation propaganda views, Fox and the boyz/girlz put them out there and the base just goes ape crap crazy with the new talking point de jour.
if you only listen to one source you are always going to be half cocked, so when you repeat a repeat a thousand times you are still a thousand times made half cocked statements, turn the dial there are other thoughts you don't have to agree but at least it gets in there and will eventually be validated or proven.
do your self a solid question what you feel is written in stone by someone dismissing another before you repeat something long since been proven to be untrue, and you come off looking and sounding like a right wing crackpot.