Saturday, November 3, 2012

Romney Skips Presidential Youth Debate

good decision, children say the darndest things and wannabe Mitt can't handle the truth, sorry for the cliche's
The presidential debates may have propelled Republican nominee Mitt Romney to within striking distance of the White House, but the candidate is not fond of all debates, becoming the first major party nominee since 1996 to blow off the Presidential Youth Debate.
The non-partisan civic- and youth-engagement organization has allowed younger Americans across the country to ask the questions that matter to them to the presidential candidates. Indeed some of the questions — including one on youth unemployment — appear to be teed up for Romney to answer, but he declined to participate according to the group.
Instead, President Barack Obama's video responses have been posted to the website unanswered by the Republican side.
if Romney thought debates were tough he knew not to venture into the realm of kiddie logic gaffe a minute laughfest. i can just see little Aisha standing on principle and dressing down the millionaire on middle class and poor kids and his "plan"??  now avoiding "we the people", the press, now our children, could it be he has no explanation?
In June both President Obama and Gov. Romney were invited in the hope they would both take this opportunity to address millions of young people about the issues that are most important to them. Unfortunately, despite our efforts over a four-month period, Gov. Romney declined participation.
He is the first and only candidate in our 16-year history to decide not to answer the questions young Americans chose as most important through the Presidential Youth Debate. With Millennials being the nation’s largest potential voting bloc, we’re still very much hoping Gov. Romney might change his mind and provide his responses via video or even as text anytime before Nov. 6th, so young Americans can cast an even more informed ballot in the Election.
change his mind by the second but in this instance wish in one hand poop in the other and see which one didn't happen