Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cops Dismiss Election Night "Riot" Claims

the right is once again fear mongering claiming riots by progressives, people this is more of their "angry Black Man BS, think about it who is more likely to riot, those racist crazies with the gun carry permits sitting in bars watching the results of the election, the one's who stood on the banks of the Potomac with their bandolier's and assault rifles, the one's who said they are "not armed this time", who's running around saying "take back our country" WTFU it's them that are our worse enemy not Russia, China, Cuba or even Iran we seem to be able to deal with them, but not these right wing crazy racist. recognizes these SOB's have civil war o their minds. stand your ground????
Posted Nov 6, 2012 12:25am EST
Officials at law enforcement agencies across the country Monday dismissed warnings on conservative blogs that President Barack Obama’s supporters would resort to violence if he lost the election.
In the final hours of the election, a some conservative bloggers have amassed what they consider growing evidence — mostly tweets sent by young, black people — that Obama supporters will unleash a wave of violence not seen since the OJ Simpson trials if Mitt Romney comes out on top Tuesday.
look again at who is creating this rumor mill not the progressives