Thursday, November 29, 2012

Conservative activist threatens to steer donors from RNC if GOP raises taxes

remember Bachman accused the Pres. of running a gangster gov't? as usual she was in the wrong place, with all the hostage taking, violating constitutional rights, misleading with intent, blackmail watch any news cycle and make up your mind who does that mantel fit perfectly.
Brent Bozell, a prominent conservative activist and fundraiser, is threatening to steer donors away from the Republican Party if GOP lawmakers sign a deal to raise taxes.
Bozell sent a letter to Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus on Wednesday pledging to make it his mission to counsel conservative donors to shun the party if its leaders in Congress agree to raise taxes.
Bozell, the chairman of ForAmerica Inc., has been active in conservative political circles for three decades and estimates he has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for “an alphabet soup of conservative causes.” 
we know our Pres. is running the country, republicans who knows seems money is always threatening them to comply or they'll be a one termer, again Americans you made the correct choice now at least we know who to call leader.
“Reince, it pains me to say this, but if the Republican Party breaks its word to the American people and goes along with President Obama with tax increases, it will have betrayed conservatives for the final time,” Bozell wrote.
“I will make it my mission to ensure that every conservative donor to the Republican Party that I have worked with for the last three decades — and there are many and they have given tens of millions to Republican causes — gives not one penny more to the Republican Party or any member of Congress that votes for tax increases,” he warned.
sounds like a script from the old "Untouchables" tv series gangster gov't you called it Michelle just not the executive part of it.