Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Right-Wing Think Tank FOIAs Climate Scientists

The ultra-conservative American Tradition Institute has expanded its legal pursuit of climate scientists, using transparency laws to try to flush out potentially damaging emails.
The strategy—used to seek records from prominent scientists such as Michael Mann—is seen by scientists as an excuse to try to dig up embarrassing or damaging communications that could be used to discredit climate science.
Horner told the Washington Examiner—a free newspaper owned by the conservative billionaire Philip Anschulz—that his decision to target contacts between scientists and journalists was prompted by a front-page article in the New York Times on clouds and climate change contrarians. In email exchanges with the Guardian, he indicated he was looking for evidence that scientists were working with journalists and advocacy groups to undermine climate change dissenters.
is the right wing that anal that it just won't under any circumstance's even a mustard seed of credibility to the science? probably not you know why? because an addmission of the facts by them would qualify "REGULATIONS" on the Koch's et al and thereby revealing their efforts to let you and your family to go breathless.
obstinance can cost you a soft behind. but it can also cost millions of lives.