Wednesday, July 11, 2012

LPAC, Lesbian Super PAC, Launches With Backing Of Billie Jean King And Jane Lynch

WASHINGTON -- Women including sports icon Billie Jean King and actress Jane Lynch are starting a super PAC on Wednesday that they hope will increase the political power of the lesbian community.
The organization, called LPAC, will provide financial backing to pro-lesbian candidates, whether Democrats or Republicans, male or female, gay or straight. The group intends to back federal and state candidates, as well as some ballot measures. All targets of the group's support must back an end to discrimination for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals; reproductive rights and access to quality health care; and social, racial and economic justice.
Group members said they have pledges of $200,000 and hope to raise at least $1 million for the 2012 elections. High-profile supporters include King, Lynch, Chicago Cubs co-owner Laura Ricketts and LGBT leader Urvashi Vaid.
i guess i find bias in my thinking about scotus citizens united vote, when the money come into a effort to counter the rights total denial of them and any rights afforded them by law, as well as all else the right wishes to squash. that said i'm for it. thought in progress, would i be as gung ho if it were on the other foot?  maybe so because the effort would not be to disinfranchise like the right wing wants but to exercise their constitutional rights. well i solved one problem for myself and it's just after 9am. lol
there could be some silver in the lining the more liberal groups are taking a page, if more did so could collectively they overcome the right wing money or at least turn a few billionaires into millionaires. works for me.