Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mitt Romney Claims He'll Cut Off Funding for PBS, Says He Wants Advertisements on 'Sesame Street' (Video)

It's safe to say that none of the Republican candidates for president are quite as enamored with public funding for the arts as the Democrats are, but Mitt Romney was making it an issue Wednesday, claiming he'll even cut off PBS.
To be sure, Big Bird and the rest of theSesame Street puppets probably aren't endangered. They'll just have to go commercial, if Romney gets his way.
and we know what that means mo money, mo money for corporate America while indoctrinating yet another generation into the right wing influence.
"Close them. Turn 'em off. Even some you like," he said. "You might say, 'I like the National Endowment for the Arts.' I do," Romney said. "I like PBS. We subsidize PBS. Look, I'm going to stop that. I'm going to say that PBS is going to have to have advertisement."
do you as i smell overreach in the air?
why do they seek to destroy for "we the people" those programs that either don't depend on or get very little from the gov't, easy  "PRIVATIZING"