Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Reid, GOP brawl over highway bill

"Congressional negotiations over a highway bill took an acrimonious turn on Tuesday as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) accused House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) of thwarting the legislation in a bid to harm the economy

"The Senate leader chalked up the Republican resistance to tensions between Cantor and Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and a feeling among some Republicans that not moving a highway bill would be better for their party politically because of the damage it would do to the White House".

the right is using "we the people" as pawn's in their malicious plan to sink America in order to sink this admin. how egregious can that be, let the country stay in this quicksand environment so as to teach "we the people" that progressive gov't doesn't work and they are right, because it takes a willing to help the economy and it's people congress and opposing party, we are 0 for 2 America, look at what is being done and all because "we the people" elected Barack Hussein Obama. he had two strikes coming in Democrat and Black.

they are now pounding in the third strike, convincing "we the people" we made a mistake, so is their denial of doing their jobs a punishment for our vote? we know they have no belief in the American mantle it's their way or "they pitty the fool".

well i've always been hardheaded and have not learned any lesson other then there are people out there who are attempting to dismantle this country from within and have been successful at dividing and conquering, and "we the people" have helped at every step.

we can still stop this juggernaut of hate and discrimination which while "we the people laughed at "take back our country" me included, they were already pass the living room and on the way upstairs, and the WI. vote was a prime example of what's in store. RECOGNIZE! please click title