Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Scott Walker Wins Wisconsin Recall Election

so now who do we pledge allegiance to, the movers and shakers, the big money makers?

well we have just put the world on notice that our scotus has handed the promoters of the rich and powerful from any country, people like Ahmadinejad of Iran can buy our gov't complete with it's governors, senators, representatives, check the want ads.

IMO this is the darkest day in American political history. we are on the path to emboldened right wing politicians and the billionaire briber's now knowing they can buy America on the cheap.

worker's your right's are now in the crap can, they can gas you, fiber glass you and throw you a few pennies on payday,mostly consumed by taxes to pay off the briber's. if you are a women you may as well turn over your diaries to your employer they will determine whether you do or you don't, not you and your husband. i really don't believe those who brought into this travesty of the "fair election" knew what they were also letting themselves in for, to bad it can't be restricted to just them. "believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see".

the fabric of our political and constitutional tenets are now just a tattered rag and what the world thought of America, is now that the holier than thou of the former admin is shown to be no better than their own. power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

imagine if they were to win excuse me buy the Presidency, would other countries view Romney and his party as the two faced crooks they are and really impact foreign policy that this admin has done so much to improve? the right has doomed this country to annihilation by big business and the foreign world's ability to buy this country, will we have a stock designation on the exchange? it's your vote. please click title