Wednesday, June 6, 2012

a Cuban American candidate now promoting right wing "Dream Act", does that make him a pawn?

"But politically, Rubio faces a minefield. Some of the harshest attacks came this week from conservative radio broadcasters who gathered in Washington from South Florida and across the country — in a radio blitz dubbed "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" — to demand tougher immigration enforcement at borders and work sites".

"I think Senator Rubio has been the victim of body-snatching by groups that would try to provide a back door to citizenship," Kaufman said between broadcasts. "He promised me in my studio that that wasn't going to happen. When he got to the national level, immigration was going to be controlled. He was going to stay firm".

"But those outraged by illegal immigration say Rubio's proposal smacks of political opportunism".

if there is no clear way to monetarily exploit the undocumented then all this is just halitosis of the right wing kind. they will abandon as soon as the Hispanics sign on the dotted line. people need to help those who are under informed understand that American politicians lie especially those of the right wing.

if this were not an electiion year they would still have fruit rotting on the vine in the south. these guys are racist hater's, those Hispanic's that know have a obligation to aware those who are not of the insidious fate that awaits them

if they vote for the party of hate. even if they do some of what they are promising the base would take to the streets armed "AGAIN", they won't stand for it they are on board until one of their politicians shows some humanity, then he may as well go "sleep with the fish", because they'll drop him like he's hot.

ignorance is no excuse for the law, as it is not considered before it turns against you, where it is a plus for the perpetrator's. they are banking on like a lot of my people, if you get one of us in there everything will be alright, except no one person including Presidents can do anything without the rest of the legislature in agreement.

we should know that from 2008's "we will make him a one term President, with no intent to help him or "we the people". one person is just that unless he has the backing not of "we the people" but the elected party sworn to that task.

they are winning because we are asking for this through indifference, and failure to reach out and touch our fellow voter's and making sure they understand the ramifications behind non participation. it's ours for a vote, the same as it is for the anarchist. RECOGNIZE! please click title