Saturday, June 9, 2012

Pastor Creflo Dollar Released From Jail After Attacking Daughter

i have always had thoughts about this guy after watching 6 otr 7 shows in te 90's i noticed IMO 90 % of his message was about money. plus i found it hard to believe a surname "DOLLAR". then he says he's glad his mother didn't name him one dollar bill, paraphrased. copy paste please

"Mega-church pastor Creflo Dollar was released from jail yesterday after allegedly attacking his daughter during an argument in their home".

"According the WSB-TV news, the pastor and his 15-year-old daughter got into a fight over a party she wanted to attend. According to his 19-year-old daughter, Creflo then proceeded to grab her by the neck, choking her, leaving visible scratches around her neck".

"Deputies were then called to the home by his daughter, where they arrested Dollar. He was booked into the Fayette County Jail around 2am on Friday morning with a five thousand dollar bond".

"He was released late Friday morning; but his bond doesn’t prevent him from maintaining contact with his daughter, according to WSB-TV reporter Tom Jones. Upon leaving the county jail, Dollar had this to say about the incident"

“Discipline my kid. Love ‘em.”

wonder what he'll tell is flock Sunday?
so many people believe it seems that is not so much a plus all though the Bible give's a warning to us, i think our need to believe overshadows or scrutiny consideration as to who ministers to our religious lives. please copy paste and click title