lightbulbs? remember who said they had no intent to help the Pres., or compromise rememer Beohner with the crap eating grin "i got 98% of what i wanted" now he's saying the Pres. got all he wanted who's zoomin' who?
guess their base hasn't noticed that it means they aren't going to be helping them for 4 yrs. 9 recesses this year are "we the people" paying them for vacations or are we just subject to the T-P invasion and coup of the republican party in 2010. 30 bills to kill ObamaCares, guess they really don't care about our health.
are you really accepting the right saying they will not do anything between now and Nov. how many times do you need to be slapped in the face brfore you by vowel and get a clue?
c'mon there has to be a hmmmmmm! out there. their base is all to willing to let them get away with it but are "we the progressive people" going to accept all the time outs and declaration of we are going to continue not doing our jobs for the next 5 months, with pay. WHO'S THE BOSS? please click title