Sunday, June 10, 2012

Texas Man: I Was "Standing My Ground" When He Shot Neighbor Over Loud Party

“I’m standing my ground here. Now these people are going to go try and kill me.”

are we going to see a rash of these kinds of IMO murder 1's"? this guy takes a camera with him, there was a movie in 2001 named "15 mins." about a couple of guys who go on a killing spree with video camera in tow. is this guy a nutball or is he trying to use a ultra controversial law to gain his 15 mins.? i maintain my stance the right has put in motion laws and access to guns and look what is happening. what does a end result look like?

to elect the republican party assure's "we the people" of even more violence and extreme laws that loop hole defense of "justified killing"? add this to the list of detriments employed by right wing politics. this is not the kind of world "REAL AMERICAN'S" would elect to live in, "would you"? please click title