Wednesday, May 16, 2012

White supremacists arrested while prepping for 'race war'

A group of ten white supremacists, led by Marcus Faella, were arrested as they were getting ready for the "race war" their leader instructed them was coming. The group had been preparing over the past two years by stockpiling weapons, experimenting with the creation of ricin and plotting a "disturbance" on Orlando City Hall. Following a series of arrests that began on Friday, FBI and local police closed in on the white supremacist organization American Front

this is the kind of thing i've been referring to, with the gun laws to carry and all the red meat being slung into the right wing base's trough, the growing supremacy org's.

the right wing IMO is sewing the seeds of civil disturbance's throughout the country, their part in taking "their" country back. and all this time you thought Black guy's were scary.

you may laugh off my assertion but why, when the evidence is unfolding before your very eye's. listen to Fox and the real news channels at least you'll no which way to run, and the revolution will be televised. please click title