Sunday, April 29, 2012

war against women, we don't have no stinkin' war against women

the right needs to watch their propaganda machine at work. then maybe they would not look as hypocritically incredulous as to recognizing "oh yeah we are". to not lessen the reality of their skulduggery,

i think i shall now only refer to their conflict with women's right's as "the conservative aggression" does this even sound real a women's caucus for only right wing women? this is just to etch a sketch DARRYL ISSA, pretentious panel of men for womens rights. laughable
this "i know you are but what am i" counterpoint is as childish as the guy who coined it Pee Wee Herman. and they want to 180 this too, but who is really not serious, who is zoomin' who? please click title sorry copy paste good info in there