those who still and brought this up in the first place think you the electorate are stupid, they keep dragging dead horse's out and stinking up their party. is it not obvious that this is a dead irrelivant issue born in the minds of the racist right to do what they are claiming our beloved Pres. of, dividing the country.
1 yr later and they believe you have not gotten any brighter then you were when they first unveiled this fraudulent claim. some will have that "oh yeah" moment but those are the concentrated on one's. GW Bush "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the one's you want to concentrate on".
let's get real the man is an American, time to file that one away in the bsmt. of the FBI X Files where the rest of the alien crap is. Trump needs to move to Texas and hide. please click title
please copy and paste