IMO, yes this also keeps in line with the urgency to try and let Hispanic's know "i'm not the guy who i said i wanted you to self deport and other legislation that was really sticking it to you. but look i'm dangling one of you in your face. i'll buy you all etch a sketches".
Rubio if he had an ounce of self respect and consideration for his people he would not except such an obvious ploy which looks at Hispanic's as to stupid to see what he's doing.
all the fake change of racist agenda's does not give voter's who think for themselves any sense of it lasting past Nov. 7th. 2012 their track record on campaign promise's is as bad as congress rating 6%,
remember the 2010 promise we are going to focus on jobs, jobs, jobs, then in next breath "our number one job is to make Barrack Obama a one term president, oop's they forgot their first problem or do they really care about you and jobs? they have spent last 3 1/2 yrs. blocking every jobs bill and plea's to pass bills our beloved Pres. has put out there even bridges in their own states which still are a danger to their constituents had they fixed them it would have been on every form of media out there.
so Right Wing voter's ask the speaker "where's the jobs Mr Beohner", and that lie about the Pres. not creating any, but the right was hemorrhaging 750,000 a month and our beloved Pres. has created steady monthly jobs since in ofc. sorry please copy paste