Friday, December 11, 2015

World leaders join the condemnation of Donald Trump

Donald Trump

There needs to be a “Trump-Free Media Day” proclaimed, as most Americans are sick and tired of hearing the bile that continuously spews from the mouth of Republican GOP POS and presidential candidate Donald Trump. He is disgusting, bombastic, egotistical, racist, sexist, bigoted ... but more importantly, he is dangerous. Regardless of where his campaign ends up, he is planting seeds of hatred throughout the country—and around the globe. 
On Monday, Trump called for all Muslims to be banned from entering the country. On Tuesday, he reiterated his plan. The world has been watching and listening—and now they are speaking. Annie Gowan of The Washington Post picked up several quotes from world leaders and media. 
in the article are rebuking of Trump and his racist agenda the only cheerleaders are those who are of that same hate ridden mindset they are the minority.  read the article if elected how can he sit at a table with leaders who despise him, who would listen whom would enter into an agreement with him you can't run with a gun and kill everybody you don't agree with nor can you act like a baby with a thin skin because they aren't nice to him.  you live by it and you die by it niceness that is.

remember all those high poll numbers are among republicans polled not everyone else in America thank God.