Marco Rubio on Thursday hinted he may try to stall passage of the massive tax and spending package, saying it's dangerous to not include a provision that would encourage greater scrutiny of Syrian refugees. […]
"If they've got [a] sufficient number of votes at the end, they can always ram it down our throat, but I think if we can add some days to it, the way Sen. [Jeff] Sessions is talking about and maybe some others, that process of slowing it down allows more Americans to wake up to the reality of what's in the bill and perhaps as a result demand that their elected representatives do something to make those changes on things like the Syrian refugees we're talking about now," Rubio said on Fox.
While Rubio was in Muscatine, Iowa, doing that interview, his colleagues in the Senate were making a fool of him, agreeing to a time limit for the spending bill debate to make sure it gets wrapped up Friday. There is nothing he can now do to slow this down, because he wasn’t in D.C. on the floor when the agreement was reached to oppose it.
So that's kind of embarrassing. I guess there's some value in showing up to that Senate job he hates so much, after all.
guess he isn't in the loop was it intentional or just he was too busy to do his job?????????? everybody hates Teddy no text no email no voice call just need to know and he didn't think it important enough to be there so he didn't need to know. how much can he take before he realizes he's not the golden boy.