Sunday, December 20, 2015

Dr. Ben Carson: Republicans have a 'mental disorder'

Republican U.S. presidential candidate and businessman Donald Trump speaks as rival candidate Dr. Ben Carson (R) looks on at the debate held by Fox Business Network for the top 2016 U.S. Republican presidential candidates in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November

“Republicans have this mental disorder sometimes that says, ‘A person doesn’t agree with me 100%, I’m not with them, I’m going to go and sit down,’” Mr. Carson told a crowd of about 100 people at an Italian restaurant on the Las Vegas Strip. [...]
“You know, I believe that was a disease that was implanted by the Democrats,” he said. “That’s what they want you to do. As long as you feel that way they’ve got it, they’ve got it in the bag.”
Democrats continue to have powers over the Republican base that Republicans themselves can only imagine. How deep does the conspiracy go? Is it because we put iodine in the salt? Is it in the toothpaste? We do not know. We only know that even thinking about Democrats gives most of the conservative base a mental disorder.
Then again, Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson may be, and I am just throwing this out there because I am a helpful fellow, himself a conspiracy by the Democrats to sabotage the Republican Party. He could be a Democratic plant.
Specifically, a ficus.
you know you can't make cracks like this about those you solicit for their support like Trump upset about Cruz and Iowa guess he forgot he called all Iowans stupid and now Carson being dropped like a hot potato already seals the deal by calling the base mentally ill not that i disagree but i don't think they are taking it in stride truth hurts when it applies.  really looks like intent to destroy themselves.