I'm not much of a hunting aficionado. In fact, I'm not one at all. But lots of people are and when they saw this video of Ted Cruz carrying his gun this way in a CNN interview, some true hunters noticed.
Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was mocked by a Gawker website on Tuesday for holding his gun incorrectly and violating multiple safety gun rules.
Cruz was shown propping a shotgun over his right shoulder and gesturing with his hands during an interview with CNN about the changes he'd like to see to future GOP debates.
From the post on the Gawker site IndefinitelyWild:
When you learn to shoot, apply for a hunting or carry license and any time you’re at a gun range, there’s four basic rules of gun safety that — and this is impressed on you very strongly — must be observed at all times:
Treat all guns as if they are loaded.
Never point a firearm at something you’re not willing to destroy.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.
Ted Cruz might need to take a basic gun safety class as a refresher, it seems.
when you make lying and deception your job description you are that person 24/7 well NRA enthusiast what grade does he get F for faker????????????????????????????