CNN has a story by Thomas Lake titled "Fear and voting on the Christian right" where he explores the way Republican politicians use the fear of government and homophobia to garner votes. The article in itself does not tell us anything new - the big clown-car of Republican politicians deluding themselves they are worthy to be president are chasing the votes of the ever dwindling ranks of the evangelical right wingers. And the only way to win the nomination is to see who cam outflank his opponents from the right, competing who can invoke god, Jesus and bible in a more hateful manner.
Lake's article meshes the grand political struggle with a personal story of Richard and Betty Odgaard that closed their wedding chapel bushiness after refusing to allow a gay wedding to take place. The public backlash was swift and fierce, their revenue fell and even their children told them they are wrong.
It is an interesting story about paranoia,self righteousness, hypocrisy and the bitchiness of karma.
Ellars and Lee Stafford' request for a wedding celebration (not reigious ceremony, mind you, just the party) at Görtz Haus was denied by owner Richard Odgaard
"Because of our faith," Richard remembers saying, "we cannot participate."
Lee and Jared don't remember hearing that. But all three men give roughly the same version of what Richard said next:
"I can't take your money, and I don't do anything for free."
That's the first thing that struck me in this article - the notion of "Not doing anything for free". How.... Republican and UnChristian. I though that Religion supposed to teach you that you should give away many things for free, mostly giving one's love and not being a judgmental prick. Not to be found in Odgaard's heart.
Oh and by the way - Who asked you to participate? It's not like they invited you to be a guest. Just rent out the damn space and go on a vacation that day.sorry guys i left this incomplete, but it was to draw attention to the evangelical support and aligning with republicans who have a like attitude just that the attitude itself is in question, it seems both are about deception and using religion to control the faithful but nether seem to practice what the Bible preaches. keep in mind all bigots aren't racist but all racist are bigots doctrines have a tendency to expose the true colors of those who try to use them for personal advantage.
again sorry i just noticed this wasn't finished sometimes it's hard to keep focused but mostly i am blessed to be able to catch it.