Acting in his normal bombastic manner, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday to criticize President Barack Obama. In an interview aired Sunday on "60 Minutes," Obama discussed his views on leadership.
“My definition of leadership would be leading on climate change, an international accord that potentially we'll get in Paris,” Obama said, mentioning the scheduled COP21 summit in Paris in December where world leaders are expected to make commitments to reduce global warming to combat climate change.
Obama also discussed his leadership on the Iran nuclear deal that would lift sanctions on Iran as well as the current situation in Syria.
Trump took to the social media site Twitter to criticize Obama’s answer.
Trump has said in the past he believes climate change is a hoax that was created by the Chinese to reduce the levels of American manufacturing and economic competitiveness. He has been highly critical of the money the Obama administration has spent on green energy projects.
that is as dumb as Pres. parents planting a fake birth cert. 50 years in the future just so he can be president. it is their only plan attack Pres. and Hilary not so much Bernie but what is not being said is their solutions to anything the rail against. all these years still no replacement for ObamaCares and yet they are scheduling another shot at repealing it 60 + times now no solution to mid east but Pres.'s plan is a failure. the infamous party of no and stupid still have no and the stupid, who you like 2016????????
according to Trump and republicans in a few decades we're all going to be lying in hospitals on gurney's in the halls and parking lots if they get their way but i digress lying wherever dying from literally nothing.