Tonight's 60 Minutes interview with President Obama was revolting.
Steve Kroft asked long-winded questions and didn't let the President answer. I actually just turned it off after he told President Obama that "they" say he projects weakness as a leader. When President Obama asked him who "they" are he said "the Saudis, Israel, The Republicans..."
WTF? I honestly can't believe what I just saw. When did 60 Minutes become Fox News?
What complete garbage.
Where is the liberal media I keep hearing about over and over again? I watch MSNBC all day and am treated to Joe Scarborough for hours in the morning and Chuck Todd in the afternoon for an hour of his MTP garbage. Chris Matthews interviewed Andy Weir and allowed him to speak 4 sentences I believe.
How can we consistently have such complete garbage pass as "news" in this country? And how has Steve Kroft forgotten what journalism used to be like?"TOUCHE'", there is no liberal media there are times when truth is spoken intentionally and unintentionally but never as a protocol. if we sit by and allow this as our source of info from either networks NBC OR FOX and don't forget the written media and radio venom spitter's. we need to research if you are reading this you have or have access to a computer and the internet.
too many of us of all races are to content to let others control and ultimately run our lives if you aren't rich that generally means into the ground on the right wing. we are victims of a false sense of freedom only intended for the elite and those with 9 and 10 figure bank accounts. we are pawns on their chess board because we let them take the reins so we wouldn't have to.
there is this thing about Black and Brown Americans being lazy we had no power to relinquish we were not in position to turn over anything we did not control anything so ask yourself who were the lazy ones who allowed this from day one of Columbus landing 1492 to the first slave arrival 1619 to the 2008 election of President of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama who has brought the change they laughed about then and rage a fierce war for 7 years to stop who's laughing now???????????????
if there were a liberal media why do we only hear republican reports and negative attempts by the republicans against Dem candidates, there once upon a time was a balanced media that gave that up for ratings and the revenue of sensationalism.
to wield that kind of power you have to be able to block a President for 7 years, shut down the gov't, deny citizens jobs and healthcare and steal elections by the stroke of a pen and disenfranchise millions also by a stroke of a pen, deny food and water but ultimately the enablers are the one's who vote for those who would do that to other American citizens, take a stroll through your mind sometimes you might be surprised at what you might find if you can handle the truth.