Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hunting dog named Trigger accidentally shoots owner

Yellow labrador retriever

Sometimes you have to double or triple check a story to make certain it isn't satire from The Onion:
Allie Carter, 25, of Avilla was hunting waterfowl at Tri-County Fish and Wildlife Area on Saturday when the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) was called around 10 a.m. on reports of someone shot while hunting.
Carter was apparently repositioning herself while hunting waterfowl and placed her 12-gauge shotgun on the ground at her feet. That’s when the DNR said her 10-year-old chocolate Labrador, “which is ironically and aptly named Trigger,” stepped on the shotgun. The gun went off and shot Carter in the foot, point-blank.
Carter broke a basic hunter safety rule and is likely reconsidering the safety class she apparently skipped:
Carter reportedly did not complete a hunter education course and the DNR said the shotgun’s safety was not on. Conservation officers want the public to be mindful that accidents like this happen. They said the muzzle of a firearm should always be pointed in a safe direction, using the safety mechanism.
still not sure if this is a hoax but it sounds to improbable to be made up but by the same token truth is stranger than fiction, either way still a cautionary point to adhere to safety even it's only for a second.