Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hillary Clinton's Campaign Sharing Data/Funds with State Parties

Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, laughs out loud after Rep. Martha Roby, R-Ala., asked Clinton if she was home alone during night of the 2012 Benghazi attacks during testimony on Capitol Hill in Washi
Just got off of Robby Mook's conference call for Hillary Clinton volunteers, and he mentioned in passing that all of the voter data that the campaign is collecting for Clinton is being shared with state parties.
Mook explicitly stated that they are doing this to directly combat midterm voting dropoffs, to avoid a repeat of 2014.
So I did some googling, and found this from Bloomberg.
The Clinton campaign now has deals in place with the Democratic parties in Florida, Nevada, Ohio, South Carolina, and Texas, among other states and Puerto Rico, to create "victory funds." Contributions to those funds will be divided between the respective state parties and Clinton's primary campaign war chest.
Clinton has stressed that she wants her campaign and candidacy to boost other Democrats all the way down the ticket. Helping channel donors' support for her into state parties is one way to leverage her fundraising power on behalf of other candidates—and to link the success of other Democrats to her own.
The Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee announced a fundraising agreement in late August, making it possible for donors to give to her campaign and to the party's general election fund with one check. Clinton would only benefit from the money if she becomes the Democratic nominee.
Nobody seems to be talking about this, but it seems like a BFD to me.
Clinton is using her superstar status and fundraising prowess to directly benefit the downticket races that we need to win to rebuild the Democratic party nationwide.
She is the only candidate we have that is in the position to do this, and she's doing it.
Those are some blood red states that she's raising money for,
If this ends up a wave election, Clinton is positioning us to ride that wave, even if she is not the nominee.
That is her commitment to the Democratic Party.
brilliant and inspiring who knows the potential of this endeavor to unite and bring out the vote which we really need. big change from republican selfishness and one for one and all for themselves not the America Progressive voters want regardless to what the republicans tell their base they want, do they even know what they want or is the ring in their collective noses the turn by turn directional locator???????????