Saturday, September 19, 2015

Hundreds of students stage a walk-out after Minnesota school board member posts racist comments

Columbia Heights students participating in a walk-out

Screenshot of racist comment from the Facebook account of Grant Nichols

Students got wind of the comment and immediately took action, going before the school board and demanding that he be censured and/or fired. The school board declined, prompting a protest:
Hundreds of students walked out of class Wednesday morning at Columbia Heights High School to protest a vote that allows a school board member to keep his seat after he allegedly posted a racially charged comment about Muslims on his Facebook account.
Students staged the walkout just hours after one of his colleagues voted against a motion Monday night to remove Grant Nichols from the school board. A unanimous vote is required to remove a board member.
For his part, Grant Nichols has an unbelievably juvenile defense of the post:
Last week he said he suspected someone at his workplace used his phone to write the Facebook post. He also said he disagreed with the content of the comment.
However, John Larkin, the chair of the Columbia Heights School Board, countered that claim, saying Nichols told him he had written the post.
like i've said hey are losing their grip on the children this next generation will not be permeated with hate and bigotry regardless to the republican rights attempt to change curriculum's and teach their doctrine of selfishness and hate these kids thank God are evolving from their daddy's and mommy's racial depravity.  change gonna come and it will be in technicolor!!!!

btw when will these azzholes realize they can't just say reprehensible things and expect others to pick up the baton and run with it, no longer is it en vogue to be a hater supporting other haters when you have a high position job majority will not prop you up much longer before that Humpty Dumpty effect kicks in.

hope the good Lord spares me long enough to see the new generation of holding hands across America.