BILL O'REILLY (HOST): Now, Chicago over the weekend, eight dead, 45 wounded. This sounds like Afghanistan, does it not? Forthy-five wounded. Eight dead. Now, we have reported this scores of times -- nothing ever improves in the city of Chicago. Nothing.
And you know why? Because these deaths are in the black precincts. If they were in the white precincts, on the miracle mile, OK,this would never happen. So this is real racism, you Black Lives Matter fools. This is what racism really is. So Guilfoyle, why doesn't it get better?
So I just want everybody to know, when you hear all this stuff about Black Lives Matter and all of this, there is a carnage in the city of Chicago that is killing black people, innocent black people. And nothing is being done by the liberal politicians who run the city.
yes there is inner city crime but this is the not so clever way right wing Whites use to discredit BLM the movement formed because of police murdering Black men they try to disavow the phrase "BLACK LIVES MATTER" by trying to redirect to their own counter phrase and bring up problems that they pretty much set in motion by abandonment and denial od circumstance and any efforts to correct the inequality another word they try to erase from the english language.
point is you can dismiss by ignoring and changing the narrative to something not related to the original topic police murdering Black men. then to add insult to that denial he calls the movement participants fools, they never lied about where they were when they reported a story which is no different then what they do to misdirect, believe the liar and you deny yourself.