A simple dose of truth
If you or someone you know doesn't think "burger flippers" deserve an increase in minimum wage, read this post from New York paramedic Jens Rushing—stat:
Fast food workers in NY just won a $15/hr wage.
I'm a paramedic. My job requires a broad set of skills: interpersonal, medical, and technical skills, as well as the crucial skill of performing under pressure. I often make decisions on my own, in seconds, under chaotic circumstances, that impact people's health and lives. I make $15/hr.
And these burger flippers think they deserve as much as me?
Good for them.
Look, if any job is going to take up someone's life, it deserves a living wage. If a job exists and you have to hire someone to do it, they deserve a living wage. End of story. There's a lot of talk going around my workplace along the lines of, "These guys with no education and no skills think they deserve as much as us? Fuck those guys." And elsewhere on FB: "I'm a licensed electrician, I make $13/hr, fuck these burger flippers."
And that's exactly what the bosses want! They want us fighting over who has the bigger pile of crumbs so we don't realize they made off with almost the whole damn cake. Why are you angry about fast food workers making two bucks more an hour when your CEO makes four hundred TIMES what you do? It's in the bosses' interests to keep your anger directed downward, at the poor people who are just trying to get by, like you, rather than at the rich assholes who consume almost everything we produce and give next to nothing for it.
My company, as they're so fond of telling us in boosterist emails, cleared 1.3 billion dollars last year. They expect guys supporting families on 26-27k/year to applaud that. And that's to say nothing of the techs and janitors and cashiers and bed pushers who make even less than us, but are as absolutely crucial to making a hospital work as the fucking CEO or the neurosurgeons. Can they pay us more? Absolutely. But why would they? No one's making them.
applaud this guy he is spot on, cogs in a mechanism say a watch of old the smallest piece is incremental and without it there is no tick tock, or your mobile device you can spend hundreds but if their is no wifi or data all that technology means less than gnat crap you can't call surf the net or text but so far your out a few hundred and it's shiny.
business big and some small don't want to acknowledge the importance of the sum of it's parts down to the person who keeps the toilet clean for their rusty butts, or the person in the mail room who gets their stuff to them can you imagine if they had to clean the restroom before and after use or go down in the bowels and find the mail that has their name on it.
just like all lives matter all jobs matter when you think they don't recognize you are probably opposed to taking that job that you are looking down on the person that holds it now. we all matter but not to each other. RECOGNIZE!!!!!!!!
as to burger flippers who among you have not been to McDonald's or went thru a drive thru that burger flipper was not necessarily who handed you your food but had they not flipped it there would be no heed for the cashier the one who handed it to you or the drive thru or the establishment wow all that dependent on some person flipping a burger who are they hating on the flipper or the burger they are there buying???????????????????????