Last week, the state of Oklahoma had an incredible 40 earthquakes in one week.
EcoWatch reports that Oklahoma has experienced 40 earthquakes in the past seven days. Just yesterday, five quakes measuring over 4.0 magnitude were felt in Oklahoma and surrounding states, which would seem shocking but the rate of earthquakes has increased so dramatically in recent years that they’re probably pretty used to it by now.
Just how dramatic is this increase? Oklahoma reported 562 earthquakes of 3.0 or greater in 2014 — three times as many as California had and 600 times the historical averages. No big deal! Nothing to see here!
Naturally, the residents of Oklahoma are concerned because their homes cannot take the stress of repeated earthquakes. They are cracking and falling apart. And all because fracking wastewater is being injected into the earth.
When asked about changing the state's wastewater injection policies, Governor Mary Fallin said the state should be cautious because it could take up to year to make a difference. Okay—how about you get started then?
But, that wasn't even her most ridiculous statement. That came when she was asked what she would say to homeowners who are affected by the earthquakes:
“I would advise Oklahomans that they should call their insurance agent and see what types of products are available,” Fallin said.
one of the many benefits you get by sending decisions back to states red states that is hey affected American's, THEY DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU THEY ARE GETTING RICH ON KICK BACKS, THAT MEANS WAY MORE TO THEM THAN YOU OR ANYTHING CONNECTED TO YOU.
i find it hard to feel for these people they keep voting the very ones making it possible for them to be homeless and bankrupt in to office. ignoring reports of detriment is just like ignoring history it can and in most cases will happen again. ignoring has mega consequences ask G W Bush he ignored repeated threat warnings of Bin Laden impending attacks on America, God Bless the thousands souls and families of those no longer with us because of it.
Jeb is proud of him................................