Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Incoming students (and their moms) treated to sexually suggestive signs at Old Dominion University


Sexually suggestive signs at Old Dominion University

Students arrived for move-in day at Old Dominion University over the weekend and a house near campus had a couple of disgusting banners up to greet them. They read:
Rowdy and Fun. Hope your baby girl is ready for a good time.
Freshman daughter drop off.
Go ahead and drop off mom too.
As an incoming student or parent, how would you feel about seeing these as you arrive on campus? One student wrote Old Dominion President John R. Broderick to say she nearly turned right around and went home. He wasted little time and sent a letter campus-wide after the news reached his desk:
"Dear Colleague:
I am outraged about the offensive message directed toward women that was visible for a time on 43rd Street. Our students, campus community and alumni have been offended.
While we constantly educate students, faculty and staff about sexual assault and sexual harassment, this incident confirms our collective efforts are still failing to register with some.
A young lady I talked to earlier today courageously described the true meaning of the hurt this caused. She thought seriously about going back home.
But she was heartened, she explained, when she saw how fellow students were reacting to this incident on social media. She realized this callous and senseless act did not reflect the Old Dominion she has come to love.
The Student Government Association has recently developed the “Monarchs Raising Up” campaign educating our students on prevention of sexual and relationship violence, bystander intervention, and off-campus responsible behavior. Through video, online and in-person content, we layer education on these topics for all of our students throughout the year. All new freshman just received education this weekend on preventing discrimination and sexual assault in sessions we call "First Class."
Here is a link to a video from our student leaders responding to this event--just one example of how Old Dominion University students take a stand every day in regards to respecting each other and promoting responsible behavior: https://youtu.be/...
I said at my State of the University address that there is zero tolerance on this campus for sexual assault and sexual harassment. This incident will be reviewed immediately by those on campus empowered to do so. Any student found to have violated the code of conduct will be subject to disciplinary action.
John R.Broderick
that's nice but why did these students think hanging signs of questionable intent presumably outside their own dorm or residence would not point the finger og guilt at them??????  

is it such a relaxed boyz will be boyz campus acceptance that this could even happen on a move in day and finally was the president more concerned with the money turned around students would not be bringing in than the actual caring about the female students????????.  

why are they teaching students how to prevent sexual and relationship problems which sounds more like they are putting the fault and responsibility at the female students feet???????????????