Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hospital Denies Mother's Choice For Tubal Ligation Minutes Before Surgery - Will IL Pass New Law?

After several miscarriages and a decision not to have any more children, Angela Valavanis, a mother of two, was denied getting her tubes tied after delivering her second child. She was not told tubal ligation, the second most popular form of birth control, was impermissible at the hospital where she was being treated, and Valavanis was told only minutes before the surgery was to take place. Now a new Illinois law pursued by the ACLU/American Civil Liberties Union would ensure other women in the state would not have to go through the same experience as Valavanis.
Rachel Bertsche reports: When Angela Valavanis established her birth plan for delivering her youngest child, she indicated that if a C-section was medically necessary, she wanted to get a tubal ligation at the same time. But, at the last minute, the Illinois mom was denied the sterilization surgery because the hospital where she was delivering was a Catholic institution and policy dictated it couldn’t perform contraceptive procedures — something Valavanis was never made aware of throughout her pregnancy.
Under federal law, religious hospitals can choose not to allow sterilization and other forms of birth control. Valavanis says she understands a doctor not wanting to perform a procedure based on religious beliefs. This is different. The institution never made it clear their policies would not allow tubal ligation. To make matters worse, Valavanis was told she should wait months to have the tubal litigation surgery.
“The idea that I would go through a surgery and six weeks of healing and then go in for a second surgery for this was completely ridiculous to me,” she says. Performing tubal ligations during a C-section, because the patient is already in surgery, is common practice so as to avoid extra, unnecessary operations. “Had I known about all of this in advance, I would have reconsidered my options and likely have gone to a different hospital.”
The fact is any surgery can be physically and emotionally traumatizing - and life-threatening. Valavanis opted not to go through two invasive surgeries. Under the new Illinois law, religious health care institutions must ensure that patients are well informed, in advance, of medical treatment limitations due to religious beliefs.
The bill has been passed in the Senate, which has a Democratic majority, and is pending a decision in the House, which also has a Democratic majority. If passed, the Republican Governor Rauner can opt not to sign the bill into law.
Seems like a no-brainer. But given the amount of Republican laws restricting women's reproductive rights in just in the last year, there is no guarantee that Rauner will stand up for women's rights and allow passage.  
until right wing extremist regardless to religion can start caring equally for those fetuses after birth they IMO have to right to claim religious objection they can not tolerate a fetus not having person hood rights and all granted to living breathing Americans except those who were just born them well picture the millennials brushing their shoulders off and then understand what these people are really all about.  religious objection is a recruiting tool and a point to rally gullible's nothing more.

have you noticed those being trampled by religious zealotry are getting more and more White???????  just a matter of time tick tock