Thursday, August 13, 2015

Black Lowe's driver replaced with white one when woman didn't want a black person delivering to her

An African-American Lowe's delivery driver was told to return his routine delivery back to Lowe's. Marcus Bradley has worked for 11 years as a delivery driver at the Lowe's in Danville, Virginia.
"Then I got a phone call on the phone telling me to bring the delivery back.  Saying that I couldn't do the delivery," said Bradley.  "I asked him why I couldn't do it and he said because you're black and they don't want you at the house."
Bradley says he was told the customer specifically asked Lowe's not to send a black delivery person.  Alex Brooks says he's worked with Bradley for nearly 11 years and that he was with him in the truck when the call came in.
"To me, it just ain't right for a business that we work at to go on with the woman's wishes," said Brooks
The older woman who made the racist request was asked by the local news station about this situation:
"I got a right to have whatever I want and that's it."
When asked if she feels bad about the delivery driver the woman responded, "No, I don't feel bad about nothing."
That's actually 100 percent wrong. You don't have a right to have whatever you want. That's a stupid idea that flies in the face of civilization. As for Lowes, according to the company they have fired the manager who capitulated to this ignorant request.
Chris Ahearn, a Lowe’s spokeswoman, told The Washington Post that the manager involved in the incident has been fired and that the company wants its drivers to know that “we back them completely.”
“We’ve reached out to the drivers and one of our senior executives went to the store to apologize to them in person,” she said. “We have zero tolerance for discrimination of any kind, and we should never have accepted the terms of the sale with the individuals who were delivered to.”
The fact is, as unfortunate and poisoned the reasoning in this case is and as prevalent in certain cultures of our society as it is, this woman is old and scared and will probably move on unrepentant. 
Her 15 minutes will have been historically shameful and we should feel sorrow for her fear and realize that she's just channeling this fear into a bigotry and racism that she's been told is acceptable in order to distract her from the real fears she should have. Like Duke Energy spilling pollutants into her area's water ways.
this was a good move by Lowe's my thoughts were was it more of a reality understanding that Black dollars matter and if left out there their nat'l image could and most likely would be attacked from several directions.  i also wonder had this not been publicized what would Lowe's feel was their obligation to an 11 year employee, also how many if any request like that have been made by their patrons?????  

second thought by doing what they did in support of the employee signals intolerance to the public of racial discrimination which would imply not that many haters versus those who are more tolerant and less bigoted, but still wonder what if it were not brought to public attention.