Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Baltimore men march 35 miles to DC to protest inner city violence; national media hardly notices

300 Men March

If any one of these men tossed a rock at a police officer it would've made the news
Late Sunday night, in what was called the 300 Men March, men from Baltimore who are frustrated with inner city violence began a 35-mile march from downtown Baltimore to Washington, DC, in a show of solidarity.
The members of the 300 Men March, a grass-roots group that recruits city youth to walk the streets denouncing the hundreds of killings in Baltimore each year and the apathy that often follows, planned to take their message to the National Mall, where they will arrive Monday afternoon.
Munir Bahar, the group's founder, said the walk to Washington measures about four times the group's previous longest march, a 10-mile hike across Baltimore on North Avenue in July. With breaks along the way, he said, the journey, the distance of which is longer than a marathon, should take about 20 hours, and end at about 2 p.m.
Not taking as many breaks as they planned, the men arrived in DC a full two hours early.  
But here's what I know...
Had any one of these men carried a "Fuck the Police" sign, the march would've gone viral.
Had any one of these men decided to throw a rock at a police car window, his picture would've been plastered all over the news.
The truth, though, is that this bold march, from men and boys who had never marched anywhere near that distance in their lives, hardly made a whimper on the news cycle while black men doing bad shit seems to headline local and national news on a regular basis.
things like this make it clear and answers a question in the media cross hairs lately no BLACK LIVES DON'T MATTER to most in the business of keeping the status quo let's face it most media is owned by right wing leaning corporations where we don't matter in the news but do when it comes to programming and advertising, BLACK DOLLARS MATTER.  might not have made the 11 o'clock news but this article and others passing it along gives it some legs keep it up.

one solution to get their attention is boycotting but let's face it many Black people like the programming on Fox and patronize the products they advertise so boycotting i think is a wasted effort to the extent of creating change not enough participants allows them to turn it into a laughing stock just like they are attempting to do with BLM except those numbers are making them sweat and like every other person or movement that favors forwarding our economic and political status they attack.  

we need to burn a word in our minds and implement it "COUNTER ATTACK" not promoting violence but some times like FIRES YOU NEED A FIRE BREAK MEANING FIGHTING FIRE WITH FIRE!!!